Logic Vision sees itself not as a supplier, but more as a partner. A partner in which the human relationship is central, preferably for life. Below you can read how we give substance to this, in a broader sense.
Logic Vision does not see itself as a supplier, but more as a partner. A partner where the human relationship is central, preferably for life. Below you can read how we give substance to this, in a broader sense.
The Sophia Children's Hospital provides care for children with rare and complex conditions that require more or more specific care than a general hospital can provide.
In celebration of our 20th anniversary, we asked our guests, instead of a gift, to donate money as a gift to the MC-Sophia Children's Hospital. Logic Vision doubled the total amount of the donation.
The donation was used for a number of dimmable LED walls for so-called "indoor boxes" where extra vulnerable children lie. At the time of handover, these were very gloomy and dark rooms. The desire was to create an outdoor feeling with daylight by means of a dimmable LED wall. This would make the room more friendly for the patient and parents, make the stay more pleasant and have a stress-reducing effect.
We support the Erasmus MC-Sophia Children's Hospital to remain at the forefront of becoming healthy and growing up healthy, and we support the ambition to give every child, sick or healthy with a disability, the best chances for the best possible development.
In most cases, a pregnancy ends with the birth of a healthy child. But this is unfortunately not a given. On average, 1 in 20 children is born with a disease or abnormality. And about 1,400 children a year die in the period around birth. A dramatic event for the parents and the environment.
In the Sophia Mother and Child Center, all disciplines are present to provide complex care to mother and child. For example, the Neonatology Department cares for children born prematurely from 24 weeks of pregnancy. But also for children born on time who need intensive care. In addition to caring for the child, care for the parents is very important here.
We are the proud adopters of Evelien, the pygmy hippo at Blijdorp Zoo - Rotterdam Zoo.
The pygmy hippo, named Evelien, has recently become an important part of Diergaarde Blijdorp's research to help the species in the wild. Partly due to the involvement of adopters, Diergaarde Blijdorp is able to collaborate on this type of conservation projects.
Link your organization to a special species or plant that fits your mission and vision and adopt an animal, plant or piece of nature at Blijdorp Zoo.
With your support you will contribute to the welfare of the animals and to conservation projects to protect their natural environment. Through your adoption, they can also introduce as many people as possible to special animals and plants.