Project Management
- Project template and definition
- Budgets
- Forecast
- Monitoring
Projects are the basis of your company. The products that you develop are complex and their production requires the involvement of many specialists, resources, and materials. Overview is absolutely essential.
Business Central allows you to have all the information you need about the production process and control all the processes from the preparatory work onwards. You are supported by numerous functionalities so that your output is what you want. This allows you to manage your projects effectively and efficiently.
For example, quickly set up a project thanks to the project templates already in the system, which contain part of the project parameters. You can configure the remaining specifications to the exact wishes of your customer. Budgeting and planning take a central role here. You can determine them at every stage of the project. The initial estimate is executed per project (phase) or at group or individual level. It is also easy to budget for additional costs, fees, and discounts. You can set up several versions of a project budget, only one of which is the real one. By comparing budgeted and actual costs, you can immediately see whether or not you are within budget. It is also possible to make a project prognosis based upon a completion percentage. This can be made on the basis of the budget or of the actual costs.
Is a product or part of a project ready? It is easy to make a shipment from the project. You set controls for the conclusion of the project. For example, are there still hours to record and have all the project related purchase and sales orders been dealt with? This allows you to be sure that there are no loose ends left untied. All the data is together and easy to consult, from the first estimation to the service control. You can monitor progress and manage projects in an optimal way.